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LUCY- Who is it???

Its important to me that everyone reading this knows this blog is a place to recognize and embrace you will be o.k. Life has a way of throwing us into the deepest part of the ocean with our hair in our face and chips in our mouth! I have spent the better of a decade trying to figure out where i'm going, how i'm getting their and, am I good enough?

Why is all this bad stuff happening? Why do I keep making piss poor decisions? Remember that day where you felt so happy! I mean the happy that makes you have butterflies and your eyes water. The day where you felt like you had it all figured out and by god tomorrow you were going to do awesome things! YEP that day we have all had them. Typically in my experience that euphoric high of "I got this" only lasts for a short period of time and tomorrow never comes. This is not because were lazy or have no control over our lives. Its simple actually its... LUCY

Life Unexpectedly Changes You!

It's all about how we handle those things in life when they pop up. How we go with the flow and what our next step is. I'm confident with every ounce of air in my lungs I was put here and endured the tragedies I have to help others. I have been given gifts that i'll touch on later and been to hell and back for a reason, to show others the way back when they too get lost. I'm not talking about religion either so before you pull that card put it back in the deck honey.

I don't care if your christian, catholic, monk or buddhist. If your hell is addiction, depression, loss or anxiety. We all have things happen that bring cause and effect to our life and that is LUCY! For years and years this "thing" that kept happening in my life causing all this havoc and never had a name. So I just kept brushing it off and rolling with the punches. But just like anything else if you familiarize yourself with something or someone who has a name you can understand and appreciate it on a whole new level. so my suggestion is this. From here on out when LUCY shows up, embrace her. What can you learn or feel from this? How can you turn this negativity into a positive. We live in a generation of Oprah droppin the mic #MeToo, to people changing lives with a simple tweet or a gofundme page. A hash tag could save a life or a simple share turns into a million. If that can be simple so can saving ourselves.

We went from black lives matters to white lives mater and me too and STOP but...but where is the I MATTER! #IMatter #YouMatter no matter what is your matter... or consequence or illness or addiction, tax bracket, color of your skin, language you speak. We all walk on the same earth that spins with the gravitational pull and force creating winds that all pass and interchange at some degree at some point. So no matter how many corners you cut or try to separate from each other we are all one and LUCY isnt going anywhere. She was that phone call, when my dad told me he had cancer before he died. LUCY was who showed up at my door when my mom died at the young age of 49. LUCY was who held my hand when I went to jail and lost everything and everyone in my life.

LUCY is who drove a wedge between me and the father of my first born son whom I cowardly walked away from scared of confrontation, and she returned when he turned 18 and told me to pick him up. She is bad and good and part of everyone so its important we learn to understand and respect what she is and why she's their. Because just when you do a door opens that is so peaceful and understanding. A place where the imperfect is perfect and time slows down so you can catch your breath. We welcome you here and we thank you for being a part of LUCY and hope that our journey will help yours even if its just to hold the mirror so you can see you matter too and its going to be o.k!



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